Meet Dave.
What makes you excited about digital transformation?
For me, digital transformation is about learning, renewal and unlocking potential – all of which I find exciting! Digital transformation describes an ongoing process of selectively making the most of the new options and possibilities that digital technologies offer. Through digital transformation, we can evolve our ways of working and impact on the world in myriad beneficial ways. Exploring how to do that with others, and building confidence and capabilities in how best to realise positive outcomes, for me is a meaningful and satisfying journey on which we can all embark.
What do you bring to the Sona experience?
Passion, insight and experience. I find the topic of digital transformation hugely enjoyable and intriguing to explore, and I’m passionate about helping others do the same. I have extensive insights of the what, how and why of digital transformation from the engineering, managerial, entrepreneurial and academic phases of my career. And I bring extensive experience of designing, building and delivering impactful learning experiences for managers and leaders – home and abroad.
When your kids ask you what you do for a living, what do you say?
I say I try to help adults learn in a way that they find fun, useful and memorable. On the occasions they push me for details (which isn’t often!), I say that I help people in organisations figure out how they can best work with others and run organisations effectively in the digital age. I’m always impressed with how easily they are able to grasp what that might mean from playing business simulators on Roblox!
If you could travel back in time, what career advice would you give your younger self?
I would advise my younger self that your career is a long learning journey to be savoured! To make the most of it, stay curious and open-minded, respectful of others, and have fun in trying to be the best version of yourself. This approach can be enabled by being consistent and confident in navigating by your values in every decision, action and pivot.
Is there anything you would like to highlight about Craig?
For me, Craig's superpower is his ability to create accessible learning about complex topics in ways that are relevant, engaging and practical. As a consequence of being highly empathic, his approach to learning is laser-focused on the needs of participants. He also really knows his stuff from a valuable blend of extensive experience, reading, reflection and networking. His positivity is infectious and creates a context in which learning can flourish.